Waste Recycling

Introduction of Grinders (for rice husk silica milling)
Product Name
Airflow Micro-Grinder 「Cross Jet Mill」
- Maintaining a sharp particle size distribution due to the mounted classifier.
- Suitable for grinding highly abrasive materials.
- Higher resitance against wearing of the materials by using ceramic materials in the contact area. (optional)

Jet Mill

Cross-sectional schematic diagram
of the Jet Mill
Introduction of Grinders (for sea shell milling)
Product Name
Vertical Roller Mill「VX Mill」
- Fine grinding wither lower energy consumption (energy saving).
- Maintaining a sharp particle size distribution due to the mounted classifier.
- Simultaneous drying and milling possible by leading hot air in the mill.

VX Mill

Inside view of the VX Mill
Introduction of Kneaders (for continuous and heated kneading of eggshells (filler) and resin)
Twin-Shaft Continous Kneader「KRC Kneader」
- Continuous kneading of high viscosity materials.
- The body is equipped with jackets for heat treatment (cooling is also possible).
- Degree of kneading and residence time can be adjusted chaning the pattern of the freely arrangeable kneading elements.

Continuous heating and kneading process of eggshells (filler) and resin