PC / polycarbonate

Introduction of Kneader

Product Name

Twin-Shaft Continous Kneader 「KRC Kneader」

  • Outstanding continuous kneading performance due to short L/D ratio.
  • No variations in the mixing ratio, due to high dispersion and agitation capabilities.
  • Abrasion-resistant specification available.

KRC Kneader

Inside view of the KRC Kneader

Introduction of Dryers

Product Name

Indirect heating type dryer 「Steam Tube Dryer」

  • Due to the simple structure easy scale up of the machine and mass processing is possible.
  • By adjusting the residence time, changes in the througput and moisture content can be handled.
  • Lower running costs due to high thermal efficieny and lower necessary motor power.

Steam Tube Dryer

Inside view of the Steam Tube Dryer

Introduction of Dryers (devolatilization purposes)

Product Name

SC Processor Differential Speed Type 「SCPD」

  • Stable, continous operation even with highly viscous or adhesive materials as well phase changing materials.
  • A heat transfer medium can circulate in the body and the screws, providing a large heat transfer area even in smaller models.
  • It is specialized in devolatilization and can be operated under depressure conditions.

Cross-sectional schematic diagram
of the SCPD

Inside view of the SCPD

Introduction of Solvent Recovery Equipment

Product Name

Solvent Revcovery Equipment (steam desorption type)

  • High gas removal efficieny and handling of larger fluctuations in the inlet concentration due to the activated carbon granular.
  • Compatible with a wide variety of solvents, including chlorinated and hydrocarbon solvents.
  • The recovered liquid is highly stable and can be reused after a specific gravity separation.

Solvent Recovery Equipment
(steam desorption type)

Solvent Separation Mechanism