
Introduction of Kneader

Product Name

Twin-Shaft Continous Kneader 「KRC Kneader」

  • Outstanding continuous kneading performance due to short L/D ratio.
  • No variations in the mixing ratio, due to high dispersion and agitation capabilities.
  • Abrasion-resistant specification available.

KRC Kneader

Inside view of the KRC Kneader

Introduction of Grinders

Product Name

Airflow Micro-Grinder 「Cross Jet Mill」

  • Fine milling of millimeter-sized raw material down to a few microns and sharp particle size distribution.
  • Metal contamination-free specification available, by using ceramic parts for the raw material contact areas.

Jet Mill

Cross-sectional schematic diagram
of the Jet Mill

Introduction of Calciners

Product Name

External Heat Type Rotary Kiln (continous or batch)

  • Reduction of calcining irregularities, due to regular hexagon shape of the body.
  • Operation in various atmospheres is possible.
  • Safe installation in hazardous areas, due to gas furnace as heating device.

Rotary Kiln (Electric Furnace Type)

Rotary Kiln (Gas Furnace Type)